Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The most important thing of the American dream i think is the freedom and make the cililians live better.
The dream of my country,China,is becoming more and more strong and confident in the world,make other countries know more about us:China is very Strong now!
America and China are not in the same situation,so they can not compare with each oher.
That's what i think.


  1. I agree with part of your opions,as your says"China is very strong now".But on the other hand,"US and China have different situation",so I think there is neccesary to put out what's the differences between the two country.OK.I just wondering,I will think about it myself.And I also love China very much.Thank you~
    By the way,I'm very sorry to tell you that I changed my blog address,it goes to be:loyalspacehere-loyal.blogspot.com
    And welcome!

  2. I don't know very well China situation but I know that China is becaoming very strong. I hope that USA and China would be a lot of things together and try to change the world in a better world with their ecomic and politc power.

  3. i like the word "freedom" in the first paragraph that it is one of the most important thing for each one and I believe that is a condition that we share regardless where we come from.

  4. however, i think our country still have lots of problems, no human rights,speed of freedom and right to know. the system and institution China has a long way to go.

  5. Chen,

    The question isn't necessarily to compare, but more to examine (if that's enough of a distinction). I see one of your dreams for China to be about letting the world know more about China: what sorts of things do you wish the world knew more about?

  6. Jess,

    I wish the world will know more about Chineses culture,history and success

  7. Kevin

    Yep,that's right,a long way to go

  8. Thanks for answering! Also, thank you for the thoughtful Chinese New Year gifts. The ornaments are beautiful:)
